WOFEX - World Food Expo, Manila 2012
The calm before the storm. Chef Notter ready to go on stage for a demonstration. #2012 #classes #Chef #Demonstration #WOFEX...

Best Ice Cream Dessert, World Pastry Championship
#EdwaldNotter #Championship #WorldPastryChampionship #Best #2012 #IceCreamDessert

Chocolate Demos Enduran (Alain Ducasse Institiute) Manila
#2012 #Chocolate #Demonstration #Demo #Manila #AlainDucasseInstitute #Enduran #ChocolatePralines
Chef Bronwen Weber at Notter School of Pastry Arts
https://youtu.be/nhhNEAylrtA #Video

Chocolate Demo at William Sonoma
Chef Notter doing a chocolate demo at the Orlando Mall. #EwaldNotter #Chocolate #Demo #Demonstration #Showpiece #WilliamSonoma #OrlandoFL...
Ewald Notter discusses his new chocolate book, The Art of the Chocolatier
#2010 #Video #BookReview #Book #Ewaldatwork #EwaldNotter

Laurent Branlard Class 2010
#EwaldNotter #classes #SugarShowpiece #SugarDecorationClass #Chocolate #ChocolatePralines #Pralines #Education #Demonstration...

Coupe du monde reunion, 2009
#EdwaldNotter #Championship #Reunion #Coupedumonde #WorldPastryCup #2009 #Chef #PastryArtistis #PastryHero #WorldPastryChampionship

Candis International Publication for Confectionary
To read the full article, click here #2008 #EwaldNotter #Candis #Article #Press